Hubby and I enjoyed a smooth ride with some great XM radio on our car ride back home from my parent's house. We were very excited about seeing our newly painted kitchen cabinets. If you don't remember, they used to look like this (click).
Fresh Paint
We came home to the smell of fresh paint and this...
Ok, so it doesn't really look very good what with cabinets open and pieces of painted wood everywhere, but we really think the kitchen looks so much more open! The cabinets were still wet and therefore drying, which wasn't so much a problem except the smell of paint is really REALLY strong! Eww!
The worst part? No stove, no sink, no countertops...making the Eat in Month Challenge a REAL challenge tonight!
New Zumbawear
I decided to figure dinner out later and headed to zumba class with some new zumbawear! An instructor jacket and a headband. Firstly, I freakin LOVE this jacket and secondly this headband rocks! I think the headband is going to become a staple of my workout wardrobe. I love how I can keep my hair down while I dance but the headband keeps my hair out of my face. Score!
Anywho, I had a blast as class (as always!) and got a good 1 1/2 hours of cardio in, plus some stretching. I can't wait to join a gym, though, because I'd really like to incorporate some strength training to my routine!
"Challenge" is the Key Word
As for food, I thought briefly about just tacking on an extra day to Eat in Month and eating out tonight with my GFs, but they couldn't do dinner tonight anyways #1 and #2...I'm just not a quitter! If I commit to something, I try my best to finish whatever it is out.
I didn't have a sink (no dirty dishes, please) or countertops (nowhere to prep) or a stove (ok, that leaves the microwave), so I decided a frozen meal was my best option.
I busted out this TJ's Garden Vegetable Lasagna.
oh yes, some random plastic silverware and a paper plate. Nice!
This wasn't the best lasagna I've ever had, but the ingredient list is pretty impressive, so I appreciate that. The lasagna had a kind of funny aftertaste, but overall, I thought it was pretty good for frozen lasagna. I'd buy it again.
I had a TJ's chocolate soy milk for dessert and called it a day (eat wise...still more work to do).
Tonight, I have to check my email and compile bakers. I am so impressed with how many people have signed up! You guys are amazing!
I have just gotten into ZUMBA and LOVE it!
I love that gear. I need a good quality headband.
I am sending you an email now about what I would like to bake.
Posted by: Sarah | January 19, 2010 at 08:59 AM
I haven't signed up because I am so busy these days! But I will definitely spread the word and bid :-)
Posted by: Lauren @ Eater not a runner | January 19, 2010 at 09:31 AM
I left you something on my blog :)
Posted by: Jennifer | January 19, 2010 at 11:18 AM
that is my all time favorite, lasagna..
Posted by: medical consultation | January 19, 2010 at 11:40 AM
Looks great!!
Posted by: Jenna | January 19, 2010 at 06:17 PM
That lasagna looks pretty good! Kudos to you for not going out. I would have struggled!
Posted by: Amanda (Two Boos Who Eat) | January 19, 2010 at 07:39 PM
*sniffle* the guilt of quitting is killing me. Damn frankenthumb! *sigh*
But, I did make it 18 days :) That kinda counts right? (says the gal who creatively accounts for shoes)
That paint smell must have been horrid. Cute gear!
And you know you can count on me for the bakesale. It's a good thing you are doing!
Posted by: Lys | January 20, 2010 at 12:59 AM
Girl! You are rocking the eats given the kitchen situation! Love the new Zumba wear! Zumba has some awesome clothing. The headband is adorable. Can't wait to see the finished finished pictures of the kitchen
Posted by: Erica | January 20, 2010 at 08:28 PM
Thanks for the read. I agree with the points you made. also has peoples thoughts on the matter.
Posted by: Zane | July 24, 2010 at 02:22 AM
Zumba is some really entertaining exercise! Definitely a fun way to work up a sweat.
Posted by: John Boynton | July 18, 2011 at 01:31 PM