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January 12, 2010


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Wow, that's such a fantastic example of what a difference once setting makes. I've always wondered how much I could learn in a photography class, compared to just fiddling around on my own... that is if I ever get a new spiffy camera. Thanks for sharing... and I for one am most definitely looking forward to more Bailey pics!

Lily @ Lily's Health Pad

I've always thought the blurry backgroud was preferable in food pics. I don't want anyone to be looking at my trashcan in the background of my food pic!


HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORAY! what a fabulous secret :) i was getting eager to find out what you were doing with all the secret projects you've got going on...(this one, the fabric, etc.)

I am excited that you will be getting to do something that you've wanted for so long- how rewarding!!!

p.s. in a few weeks, i'll be taking my first Zumba class. Any tips/encouragement would be greatly appreciated- i am TERRIFIED!!!

Lauren @ Eater not a runner

Photography classes sound awesome! Great that you are finally getting to take them!

Diana @ The Chic Life

I have been planning to do a zumba 101 post for the last couple weeks. Just need to write it all out! Lol :)

:) Diana

Sent from my iPhone


Congrats on the photography class! I'm jealous not only of your camera, but now the class!!

Ash @ Good Taste. Healthy Me

omg that is so exciting! Congrats! I'm so happy for you (and incredibly jealous! ;))

I hope you can share some tips with us throughout your classes. I can't get over the difference in those two photos!


Oh how fun! I'm taking photog classes as well and working on getting more pics on tastespotting! I've also just picked up some photog books to supplement the class. How long is your class? Have you checked out "food bloggers unite?" they have good tips and tricks. Also, have you checked out blogography? They are doing a bloggy-photography challenge that I want to join! I can't wait to see how your class goes! I'm about to sign up for yet another one and can't wait!


sooo excited for you! YOu know....the best way to see if you really know something is to teach someone else how to do it.......... hint hint ;)


Hubbu made a great din! Congrats on the photography class!

sarah (the SHU box)

ooh! i definitely want to do this too!! once i get a camera, i mean :)


That is so fun! I'd love to take photography lessons!!


Have you checked out ? Ree takes great photos of food, people and nature and has many tips on how to improve your photos. Plus, her blog is just soooo beautiful!

Congrats on the classes!


Great posts today!
1) Glad to hear about the photography classes. I used to train photographers but I switched professions so I'm back to just enjoying the art. Your photos always look great. My advice, continue to shoot, shoot, shoot! The more you shoot on manual the better photographer you will become.
2) Kudos to the husband for making you a nice dinner.
3) I was in Paris last year and had the time of my life. My trip to Europe actually consisted of France, Germany, Belgium and Prague (the best city in the world in my opinion!) I stayed in a nice reasonable hotel in Paris that was in a great location (I'll have to look the info up and send it your way).

Tasha - The Clean Eating Mama

Congrats on the photography class!


Fun fun! I am starting a photography class next week, and I cant wait!

Lindsay Maddox

Oooohh my gosh! So jealous of the photog classes, HOW FUN! I was just looking on the Light Factory's website last week to see what classes they offered. So so fun, can't wait to see all the neat tips and tricks you learn! :)

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