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« Get Some Zzz's...Please?! | Main | Thursday Quickly »

January 14, 2010


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These straps are amazing. I don't have a DSLR but these make me want one even more! I did add you to my blogroll by the way.

Allie (Live Laugh Eat)

This is the cutest blog I have ever seen in the whole wide world...or world wide web :) My goal for 2010 is to get an SLR so this would be perfect and even more reason to get one!!

Neatest thing at a partay? Hmmm my best friend in elementary school had a make your own tote bag activity!! We decorated with glitter paint--it was SO fun!


neatest my friend's holiday party, she made these adorable place settings that looked like little presents with everyone's name on cute!


Centerpiece at a wedding!!
What a fab idea!!

amanda @ fake ginger

Make your own sundae bar! It was so fun but they still managed to keep it classy.

I would love to win the strap. Love it!


It was a little boy's birthday party, but soooo cute. They made all of the kids fire trucks out of boxes and then had an obstacle course for them - sooo cute. I love the straps (and your blog!)


These are so cute! I entered you on my blogroll - been meaning to do that anyways, since I keep on comin' back for more chic life!


ooo how fun! I'd love to win this!

Jennifer C.

I love it when parties have cupcake stands and cupcakes instead of traditional cake. It's fun and you can have lots of flavors!

Rachel in NC

The neatest thing I've seen lately was at a baby shower - we handpainted onesies and bibs for the baby!

Rachel in NC

And I just subscribed!

Lindsay Maddox

OH MY GOODNESS! This is the CUTEST thing ever! I'll be blogging and tweeting this, definitely! :)

Cutest thing that I've ever seen at a birthday party:

OK, my dad's 57th birthday was this past fall and my mom had the cutest idea for him. It was the season for "back to school" shopping and my mom had bought my 7 year old niece a big pack of the 64 count Crayola Crayons with the sharpener built in to the box. When she was showing my dad all the goodies the got on the back to school shopping spree, my dad saw the crayons and started telling all of us about how badly he wanted a box of those when they first came out during his childhood.

Dad was 9 when they released the 48 count of Crayola's and he said that it was HUGE - everyone wanted them! Shortly after that came the 64 count PLUS the silver crayon AND a built in crayon sharpener right on the box! He worked through summer and saved money from mowing lawns just so he could have his own box. He's family didn't have much, and with raising 3 kids, things were pretty tight, so he didn't want to ask his parents to buy him a box - he'd just save up for them himself. He didn't save enough money to get his crayons because he ended up spending the savings on Christmas gifts for his parents and siblings. My grandmother, however, knew how badly he wanted those crayons! Christmas morning came and dad opened a brand new box of the 48 count. Not exactly what he was hoping for, but he said that we was very grateful and excited about getting crayons, but never told my grandmother that this wasn't the *exact* kit that he wanted {and she really never did find out!}.

So, keeping this story in mind, my mom bought a shiny new 64 count crayon box complete with all the fancy colors and built in sharpener. She wrapped the box and let my niece give it to him for his birthday. We all thought it would be a good laugh, but my dad was so moved that there were actually a few little tears in his eye. He hugged and my niece and then laughed about it - it was the cutest thing ever! He keeps the box out on his night stand and he and my niece now use it to color together when she visits them :)

And that's basically the cutest thing I've ever seen at a birthday party :)

Lindsay Maddox

Blogged it! :)


those straps are awesome, love the fabric! It's not too original, but I love signing a picture frame or other keepsakes at parties :)


just posted a tweet too!

Lindsay Maddox

Tweeted it! :)

Shannon F.

I recently saw garland of pictures hung from the ceiling at a party. It was a birthday party and the pictures were of the birthday boy throughout his life, we were all looking up! Looked really cool!


soooo cute...


This is why i visit you site daily. Great read thanks. Incidently has a similar topic.

gifts Philippines

Oh wow! very inspiring thank you for the tutorial for sure its gonna be a perfect gift. Anyway,will certainly visit your site more often now.



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