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« How to Make Resolutions You Can Keep | Main | Bloggies Do Toast »

December 27, 2009


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Ahh!!! I can't wait for updates! I'll have to watch before I can committ to something again!


I will try and do my best. I am travelling..but that shouldn't mean that I can't prepare stuff on my own. It's a good little thing to do because I am going to be a poor student starting in Jan. Thanks for this.

Healthy Foods Blog

I guess I'll have to organize my kitchen by now before the New Year starts! Thanks for giving us some tips!


My boyfriend and I have been planning on participating since you first mentioned the challenge. I'll be up front: my birthday is in about 10 days and I'll be going out to dinner with my family... but my parents treat so I won't be out any cash! Otherwise, we'll be eating in all month. We definitely spend WAY too much on eating out, and this challenge might be sort of a "restaurant detox" for us. Hopefully it will help us change our habits. Thanks for the idea!


SUCH a great idea. I'd like to join in and aim for all meals but one per week. Josh and I have one date night a week that I just can't give up :) Does that work??

Diana @ The Chic Life

Of course that works! I love it that anyone can participate as much as they can, even if it's not every day!  Yay!

:) Diana


you know im all over this. :) will be updating my blog tonight with the details :)


I'm in! Will put the link up tonight!!!


I would love to particpate in this challange! I'm so excited to see how much money I can save and how creative I can become with meals. :)


I'm going to ATTEMPT it starting January 3rd (family is here) however, I have guests coming in on Jan. 8th and they will want to head out for dinner one night - does that exclude a gal since I'm being upfront?


I so want to do it, but I'm traveling too much in January! :(


I'm always trying to do this but usually I'm very tired when I get home from work. I'm going to give this a try though. Will be fun to do with someone instead than by myself =)


You resolutions look very similar to mine!! The best of luck to both of us.


I'm in! I talked to my husband about it today and with a little bit of work, we think we can skip the Saturday fast food lunch, and Friday nights out. I just posted the banner on my blog ( and a post is set to go up in the morning!


I'm in and the banner has been posted! What a great idea!


what a great group of bloggers taking part in this challenge!


Well, since I'm doing the entire year an "Eat In" year then I'm definitely down for a whole month!

(Link goes to info on my no eating out in 2010 challenge)


I did it... I added the button and I've done good so far (which hasn't really been that easy for some reason lol!). I'm excited about this though!


No eating out in January.. It will be tough but I'm in!

I just started a new blog today (one of my resolutions down!)


please let me me join! i hope i'm not late~

i've love to do this even though i barely eat out due to a lot of allergy and stomach issues. but i think i would also love to venture out with more new recipes!


I love this idea! I just bought a house as well, and am trying to use my new kitchen to its fullest. Count me in!

Lindsay Maddox

Count me in!! I'll be blogging about this on my new blog tomorrow - yay!! :)


I'm taking the challenge! Love the badge, too...

The badge is on my sidebar...I'll have a challenge post later this week!


Here's my first post!

Tess The Bold LIfe

I would play but what do I do when I travel for a week? Augghhh! Maybe I could skip that week and add another at the end?!?

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