I'm working on not sleeping in even though I'm on a stay-cation.
I couldn't wait to break into our cinnamon chip bread.
I made a quick breakfast of oven-broiled toast with real butter and a fried cage free egg with coffee - 1/2 Christmas Blend + 1/2 Peppermint Creme.
How-to Multi-task Errands
I love to multi-task it when I'm doing errands. I feel like, when done correctly, I can get so much more accomplished than when I take things step by step.
Step 1 - create a list of tasks.
Step 2 - note whether a task takes a short duration or long duration and which ones need 100% attention (vacuuming) and which ones can be left alone (laundry)
Step 3 - start a long duration, no-attention-needed task. While Task 1 works, do some of the shorter tasks. When Task 1 needs your attention again, work on it or complete it, and repeat Step 3.
Continue till you've completed all the errands you'd like.
Today, I had the following on my task list:
- a load or laundry - long - no-attention
- groom Bailey - short - attention required
- find a recipe for my new blender - short - attention required
- lunch - short - attention required
- mop bathroom 1 - short - attention required
- mop bathroom 2 - short - attention required
- sew a fabric gift - long - attention required
- design business cards - long - attention required
I multi-tasked some of my errrands:
- I started by putting my laundry in my washing machine.
- While my laundry ran, I turned Food TV on in the background. I sketched out some ideas for business cards. I consulted my Martha Stewart cleaning bible to see the best way to mop my bathrooms. I groomed Bailey. I noticed a meal on Quick Fix Meals with Robin Miller that used a blender to make a yummy tomato sauce. I printed the recipe (click for recipe).
- When my laundry was done with the wash cycle, I hung the hang-dry clothes, moved the rest to the dryer and got the dryer going.
- While my clothes dried, hubby surprised me by bringing a friend over to show them the house. I was utterly and completely embarrassed by the state of the house, but helped hubby give our friend a tour. After our friend left, I mopped both bathrooms. Next, I had lunch. I started pre-washing my fabrics for my craft project. I watched a blue heron fly across my yard and into my neighbor's yard. I browsed my new cookbooks and selected recipes to try out in the next week, possibly for Eat in Month Challenge.
- Then, it was time to fold my laundry.
Next on the agenda:
- iron/fold cleaned craft fabric
- rug shopping
- basement furniture shopping
- plastic bin shopping
- sorting + organizing in the house
- maybe some other stuff...we'll see how productive we are
Dear Bloggers...
Please...PLEASE...stop saying "Viola!" when you mean to say "Voila!" A "viola" is a musical instrument. "Voila!" is said when you want to express something like "Ta-da!" Not everyone does this, but I've seen it on so many blogs...you know who you are. ;)
Bread looks great!!
Posted by: Jenna | December 30, 2009 at 03:59 PM
Am I a "viola" guilty party?! I don't know! I may have done that on the rare occasion but I dont think I am a regular "Voila" user. Am I? Oh man, now I'm embarassed.
Posted by: Leah @ L4L | December 30, 2009 at 04:38 PM
Ahhhhhhh, thank you for making the comment about 'viola' vs 'voila' Drives me batty :)
Posted by: Leigh | December 30, 2009 at 04:42 PM
What's your lunch patty - does it have broccoli in it? Looks yummy.
I'm totally with you on misuses of certain words - drives me batty.
Posted by: Anna | December 30, 2009 at 05:28 PM
Add "prerogative" to the list - a frequently misspelled word. (Did I spell it right?) LOL
Posted by: Marie | December 30, 2009 at 07:54 PM
Aargh - my pet peeve isn't viola vs voila. It's when people write wah-lah or something like that instead of voila. It gets me so annoyed!
Posted by: Anna | December 30, 2009 at 11:18 PM
Guilty as charged! Usually, if I have a misspelling, it's a typo ('cause I have lots of those!), but not in this case -- I really thought it was spelled the wrong way and even wondered to myself -- how are people supposed to know that I don't mean the instrument? I have a search feature on my blog, so hopefully they're all fixed now. Thanks for the heads up!
Posted by: Thimbleanna | December 31, 2009 at 01:01 AM