Thirty minutes after getting back to town from my parents, I had to throw on a change of clothes and put on make up for a Holiday Pot Luck with my zumba friends.
Our head instructor hosted a casual pot luck at her house. There were TONS of people there!
Kat was my hot date! Oww! ;)
There was TONS of food, too! Too much to name everything.
I tried to make a healthy-ish plate: tortilla chips, guacamole, spinach dip, rice, salad with green peppers, carrots and broccoli.
I managed to hold myself back from most of the sweets.
I did dig into some of my mom's Christmas cookies - just a couple. Really, I've been grazing on these all day. They're deceptively tasty.
So nice seeing my zumba friends outside of class! Fun times!
After the pot luck, I came home and had a small piece of the leftover Christmas dinner turkey my parents sent us home with.
I couldn't wait to dig into the Dark Chocolate, Pecan, Goji Berry, & Maca bar from my stocking and sampled 3 pieces....
...with some Trader Joe's Vanilla Soy Milk. I still think Soy Dream is the best, but this TJ's stuff is pretty good, too!
I have the next two weeks of work off! Haaaaa-llelujah! It's been too long since I've taken a nice chunk of time off and especially with the new house, I really need a lot of time in the house. We're spending a few days with hubby's fam, but I'm hoping to get lots of good work done in the house and make some me-time, too!
zumba party looked like fun!
That maca bar looks delicious:)
Posted by: Jenna | December 20, 2009 at 10:58 PM
wow what a fun zumba partayy! yall are so cute! those christmas cookies look AWESOME
Posted by: katie | December 20, 2009 at 11:27 PM
Enjoy your holiday from work! :)
Posted by: Jocelyn | December 21, 2009 at 11:25 AM