My Saturday secret project is revealed! I spent all day Saturday doing my Zumba Basic 1 Workshop, which means that I'm now an official zumba instructor!
So here's how my "secret (zumba) project" went...
On Friday, I made sure to have a nice, healthy meal in preparation for my all-day certification.

I also laid out everything I thought I'd need for Saturday on Friday night so I'd be ready to go Saturday morning.
I packed:
- an extra pair of Zumba pants
- a couple extra sports bras
- a tank top
- a T-shirt
- a sweatshirt
- a long-sleeve T-shirt
- my Zumba bracelet
- and of course my Zumba shoes
I had plans to wake up extra early and have a leisurely breakfast and possibly do some warming up, but who are we kidding...leisurely doesn't usually happen with me when it comes to mornings.

I made coffee and banana oatmeal for breakfast. I used 1/3 cup of dry oatmeal, which is more than I normally eat and turned out to be too much to down before the workshop. I didn't quite get to finish it, but I did enjoy it! I think oatmeal is a great pre-workout meal.
I ended up eating breakfast while I was doing my make-up and then prepped my lunch and snacks for the day. Though I didn't leave as early as I wanted to, I still left about when I hoped to.

I got to the YMCA plenty early and signed in at the
AFAA table where my friend Kat was helping out.

The Y had reserved an aerobics room for us.

There was zumbawear for sale (but with all the new house expenses, I held back on buying anything).

For attire, I wore my zumba pants, a sports bra, and one of my fave workout tops - a Margarita sportwear top in hot pink. Oh yea!

Booty shaking!

The day started with a welcome and then a 1 hour Master Class led by Koh Herlong, our training instructor. I made sure to get a spot in the front so I could see the instructor. It's SOO much easier to do zumba classes when you can actually see the instructor.
Koh had a couple of her regulars and fellow instructors stand in the front to help us all see what was going on, which was really helpful since the room was so wiiiiiiiiiide.
Kat helped me out by taking some pictures with my camera - Thanks Kat for being my photographer! ;)

My friend Kat led one song, which meant I knew one of the dances! Woot-woot!

I actually knew one of the other workshop participants: Cara, Kat, moi. It was so neat to know someone else there - I was glad to have a friend at the workshop. Kat had to go after the master class.

As soon as the Master Class was over, I downed an Aria protein shake...

...and a Greens+ Chocolate Energy Bar. Both snacks were AWESOME and just what I needed to help get me through this long, but extremely fun day.

After a short break, we got started with our lectures and dug into our training material: agenda, manual, ZIN pamphlet, and DVD/CD set. Mostly we used the agenda and manual.
We alternated lectures and information sessions with hands-on sessions where we learned and practiced the four rhythms of Basic 1: merengue, salsa, cumbia, and reggaeton. I thought both the lectures and hands-on sections were helpful - it was good to have a mix of the two. We learned a lot of useful information during the lectures and in the hands-on parts, we learned how to do the basic moves of each rhythm along with some variations for arms, legs, and how to make each move more fitness-y. We also got to share our own takes on the different moves and variations in small broken out groups and then with the whole group. There 58 of us there!
We got through merengue and salsa before breaking for lunch.

I packed a LOT of food, but didn't end up needing all of it. I was glad to have more food than less, though, for sure!
I brought plenty of eats:
- a turkey/co-jack cheese sammie on Great Harvest Tara's Dark Rye
- some Earthfare Live Green salad
- Kashi crackers
- a banana
- a Raw Organic Food Bar
- and 2 containers of Smart Water (need those electrolytes for long workouts!)

I downed the sandwich and most of the salad and the banana but not the crackers or the bar - I saved those in case I needed a snack later.
We finished the day with cumbia and reggaeton and some additional lectures and by the end, I was TOTALLY ZONKED! My body was aching, but I was so excited and happy to have participated in the workshop - it rocked my world!

Me and Koh! I thought Koh did a GREAT job with the workshop. I totally loved her fun, upbeat, and positive energy - she really made the workshop a party!
I decided a celebratory trip to Barnes & Nobles was in order, but first I stopped by Earthfare to pick up stuff for dinner and a little treat for myself:

I Whole Wheat Chocolate Oatmeal Walnut cookie. I wanted a WW Chocolate Chip cookie, but they didn't have any, so I figured this was the next best thing.

I took my snack to Barnes & Noble where I tried to order a Pumpkin Spice Latte, but they told me they discontinued that flavor for the year already! As if! I got a decaf Gingerbread Latte instead. I associate the Gingerbread, Egg Nog, and Peppermint Mocha flavors with Christmas, so the flavor didn't quite seem right for the time of year, but I enjoyed it nonetheless! Especially with my treat!

I found a slew of magazines to browse - a little bit of everything for my many interests: home mags, health mags, and fashion mags. I was in heaven with my yummy treats and fun magazines!
After my QT at Barnes & Nobles, I headed home to relax with hubby and make dinner. More on dinner next time, but for now, check out my official certification.

I'm an official zumba instructor! Now I just have to find somewhere to teach!

I'm so glad I did the zumba workshop today! I thought the workshop was really informative and very encouraging. I met some cool zumba-holics and learned a LOT. I feel like there's so much positive energy flowing through me from my zumba experiences and I can't wait to see where my love of zumba takes me. Here we go!