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« Pizza Dinner + Flaunt-It Week | Main | Flaunt It Week Continues »

November 10, 2009


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Kristen @ Simply Savor

you flaunt that curly hair and sports bra girl! i loved this post! i can totally relate about embracing the curly hair and i'm getting zumba certified this weekend--havent tried doing zumba in a sports bra yet, but i may have to now! :) have a great day!

Diana @ The Chic Life

I just got certified this past weekend with Koh! You'll have a blast!  Who is your master instructor? Are you going to start teaching classes soon? Hey maybe I'll see you on ZIN? 

:) Diana

Sent from my iPhone


I think your idea of "flaunt it week" is absolutely fantastic and has a just damn fine message. Madd props to ya' for coming up with the idea and I hope we see great response to this.

Yum Yucky

You are totally flaunting those abs! Geesh. I need a pair of those. But after 4 children, I've been denied.

Sonya Dime Store Thrift

You got it baby!!

Mel @ this girl and that guy

Love this post!


I just posted my own "flaunt it"

I think your hair is beautiful! Kudos to you for learning to love it!

I LOVE this... I feel 10x better about myself just focusing on one thing I love about who I am, instead of focusing on the 10 (hahah 100 I mean) things I want to change!


p.s. I need to find myself in a Zumba class asap- 1. you look so happy 2. your abs looks awesome!

Diana  (yep, another one!)

your hair is so beautiful! what products do you use? how do you style it? (help a fellow curly-haired-but-never-learned-what-to-do-with-it sister out!)


Congrats on your certification to be a zumba instructor!
I am loving this 'flaunt it' mantra. As a woman, I know that I am hard on myself and strangely men don't seem to be so focused on the size of their bum.
Anyway, you look great and don't like you need to lose a few pounds. :P

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