I'm still recovering from my long weekend and this morning was a slow-moving one for sure.
Luckily, I started with a big, healthy breakfast to give me plenty of energy.
I'm loving the Larry's Beans coffee I picked up yesterday at Earthfare.
The main attraction: cinna-choco-oats. I'm loving chocolate-cinnamon combos lately.
Monday wouldn't be complete without a pumpkin spice soy latte for Starbucks Monday. The coffee and my Patagonia helped keep my warm in the frigid office.
See the boxes stacked in the background? The upside of working in an office - leftover boxes, which = free moving boxes. Cost-effective and green!
Lunch was pretty fab. I had a toasted turkey sammie and adora. Also, this past weekend, I picked up a couple sides at Earthfare so I didn't have to fill my fridge full of veggies I'd just have to move in a day or so anyways: Sweet Potato Salad and Raw Asian Slaw. I think I'm becoming addicted to Earthfare's sides - they're so tasty and they have so many healthy options.
The Asian Slaw was SO GOOD I couldn't stop eating it! Literally...I intended to eat half of each over the next two days but downed the ENTIRE slaw! I only had room for a few bites of the Sweet Potato Salad.
I had a Raw Organic Bar in Chocolate Coconut at the end of the day to give me energy for a late afternoon meeting.
After a longer than normal day, I got to return to more packing. Luckily, hubby picked up some yummy take-out.
Miso soup
I had some of hubby's crispy calamari
Hubby and I split some Chicken Teriyaki. I jazzed mine up with some sesame seeds from the pantry.
I enjoyed dinner while breaking to catch SYTYCD - this season is going to be a GREAT one!
For dessert I had a Mott's plus with pomegranate. It was quite tasty...like an amped up applesauce.
After eating, it was time to get packing again. I got to multi-task it and pack up while catching up on Gossip Girl. There were some great outfits on the show tonight!
Poor Bailey looks like he's lost in the forest of boxes. This place is a WRECK! I can't wait for this whole moving process to be OVER! I'm ready to be settled in already. We have one more day in the apartment and then...it's MOVING TIME!
Happy Birthday to Kath!!!
the mott's with pomegranite looks delicious.... :)
have you tried picking up an actual pomegranite from harris teeter and doing something with it? i want to, but i'm scared....so i'd rather my foodie expert and experimenter-extraordinaire friend do it first, and then post instructions for the common folk. :)
Posted by: Megan | October 27, 2009 at 02:31 PM
Good luck with the move. It is great you are keeping up with eating healthy during the moving process, which can often result in lots of junk!!!
Posted by: FoodCents | October 27, 2009 at 05:48 PM
Ahh sounds like you are busy busy! Moving is a slow process!
Love the looks of your eats :)I bought that raw bar the other day btw...Need to give it a try!
I also love watching so you think you can dance...(but the canada one) We had a tapper go all the way this year and now we are seeing tappers on the american version lol.
Posted by: JocelynEatsFresh | October 29, 2009 at 11:42 AM
A belated thanks girl!!
Posted by: Kath | October 31, 2009 at 10:31 PM