Finding the chic in everyday life

I love eating, cooking, crafting, zumbaing, ice skating, and lots of other randomness.

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August 17, 2009


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Jen @ MaplenCornbread

YUMMY healthy Southern dinner creation! Love it!!! I'll have to do that chicken twist for sure!

I'm glad to hear you are going to take some YOU time! Very important indeed, I learned that even something as simple as laying in bed watching a show I love or a good book or long bath helps to rejuvinate the soul! You deserve every bit of it!!! :) :)


Mmmm looks so good!
I have been completely inspired by this blog over the past year... getting into cooking and "trying" to work out ...hehehehe... my boyfriend totally wants me to be like you!!


I try to take me time. It is hard to do so without guilt. When I do I usually nap. I always wake feeling refreshed and renewed.
That dinner looks so yummy!!! Thank you for reminding me I wanted to try it.


I don't have a lot of me time with everything that's going on right now, but here's what I do do ~ I make sure I present myself as well as possible each day by taking time curling my eyelashes etc (is this too girly a response?!) and I also take a daily walk with my boyfriend every day, where we just talk about what we've read/what we're doing/want to do etc.
I have started looking in to zumba in London, so hope to get started pretty soon. Can I ask a silly question? ~ What do most people wear for classes?


I get all housework done during the week (in small stages) so I have "me time" for weekend. I knit, read, and play some favorite
computer games with my Mister. And me time wouldn't be complete without a Doris Day movie to top things off. I know this makes me sound really lazy. Lol. Take care, have a great day, and blessings on your new home.


I don't take enough me time.... I should. maybe I steal a few minutes to blog or read my kindle...but guilt factor for me is HUGE.

I am glad you are listening to your body and resting.

Dawn (foodnfit)

Mmmm I love making crispy chicken! I never thought to put the creal in the blender--I usually stick it in a huge ziploc back and start smashing away! lol


You are so right to take a break! As a fellow exercise, etc. fanatic, I can tell you that you're doing yourself a favor . . . I've had a terrible case of plantar fasciitis since January that I ignored for a long time - my body was crying out for a break and I didn't listen, and now I *have* to take one! Frustrating, but a learning experience, right?

And your dinner looks great, BTW. Need to try chia seeds . . . .

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