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First generation organic.

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« Dinner and Drinks at Nolen Kitchen | Main | Chia Seed / Blueberry Oatmeal »

July 31, 2009


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It was so great to meet you last night!! Thanks for letting me join the par-tay! Also, your pics are beautiful!
As for the organic thing, I am with you-I buy organic when I can in order to avoid pesticides, regardless of the other health benefits.
Have a great day!


I definitely agree with you about organic food. I've never thought that organic food is healthier for us because they provide more nutrients/vitamins than conventionally grown, rather, I feel that they are better/healthier for us because they aren't full of pesticides and other dangerous chemicals. Timothy LaSalle wrote an excellent article in response to the study called, "Organic Food Is All That, and More. Just Eat It.

Have a good weekend!


I completely agree with you. I don't go for organic foods because of what they DO have, more so for what they DON'T have. Though, the article that I read about this topic didn't state, "organic foods are not as healthy as regular food", it said that organics don't offer additional vitamins and minerals beyond non-organic foods. No where did it claim that organics are LESS healthy than non-organic.


I saw this same article and was telling my husband it's more about a way of life, a preference and choice.


prettygreengirl just blogged about this too. It's about buying locally and supporting the farmers and ensuring you keep all the nasty pesticides and crap out of your body. I'm not perfect when it comes to farmers markets, but when I have free time to go I'm so there.

Every bit helps right

Jen @ MaplenCornbread

I whole heartly agree with you Diana. I strive to buy locally grown, made and organic food as well.


I totally agree with you! How can peticides and chemicals be better for you in any way? Buying organic means less pesticides in you and less on the Earth... can't go wrong there!

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