I'm going to continue adding the Points by name and number on the Hunger Continuum in my Small Changes, Big Results (SCBR) book, so if the numbers on each meal look new, I just started doing them yesterday.
7:45 am - Coffee - First Signs of Hunger (4)
I did way better on the snoozing today...only went for about 30 minutes. I have been avoiding going back on a "schedule" for a long time now, but I'm considering getting back onto one so I can have an easier time going to bed and waking up.
What do you think? Are you on a schedule or no?
Anywho, I switched back to my fave breakfast coffee - Fresh Market Breakfast Blend...mmm....with sugar and 2% milk. The coffee definitely helped me stay alert for my long, rainy commute today.
7:45 am - Elvis Oats + Almonds - First Signs of Feeling Full (6)
I brought a ton of things to the office today: lots of tupperware, a banana, more cranberry/walnut bars, and my new mug from Pier 1. Can't wait to use that!
For my breakfast eats, I made a little something I call "Elvis Oats" with some sliced almonds. *Updated to add - I called them "Elvis Oats" because they are similar to Elvis's favorite sandwich - peanut butter and bananas. I believe some variations of his sammy include bacon as an ingredient, but there was no way any bacon was making its way into my bowl of oats! lol *
Pre-cooking ingredients:
- 1/3 cup 1-minute quick cooking Quaker oats
- 2/3 cup water
- 1 tsp flax seed
- 1/2 tsp sugar (trying to lower sugar added)
- Stirred in about 1 tbsp 2% milk for extra creaminess
- Topped bowl with 1/2 sliced banana, sliced almonds, and...
- ...a spoonful of Barney Butter
Then, I stirred everything together! I like how stirring the bananas in helps warm them through. I have yet to try the "whipped banana oats" that I've heard so much about, but will one day.
12:30 pm - Grocery Store Sushi + Edamame - Content (5)
I went with some co-workers to a local grocery store and considered the salad bar (but then I had a salad yesterday and am planning one for lunch tomorrow and 3 lunch salads in a row is too much salad for me!) but ended up going with some sushi and edamame.
I love edamame and ate almost half the container!
I've never been too impressed with grocery store sushi and today's meal was no exception, but I always like to give things another chance because sometimes you change your mind.
I didn't get any soy sauce containers, so I just used a tupperware from this AM.
I ate about half the sushi.
I also had about 2 cups of water.
1:45 pm - Cranberry Walnut Bar - Content (5)
I had one of those cranberry + walnut bars I made Monday as a post-lunch snack and it was quite delish!
3:45 pm - Strawberry Chobani, 1/2 Banana, + Wheat Germ - First Signs of Feeling Full (6)
We had a 3-hour long conference call this afternoon, so mid call, I grabbed a quick snack - Strawberry Chobani, which I stirred up to mix in the fruit on the bottom, topped with (the other) 1/2 sliced banana and a sprinkling of toasted wheat germ (about 2 tbsp). So tasty! I wonder if I could get one of my co-workers to try this? Hmm...
6:30 pm - Chicken Stir-Fry - Very Full (8)
I'm such a Type-A person, I really like to follow things to a 'T', like recipes. There aren't many things I feel comfortable winging it, but stir-fries are one of them. I love mixing up different meats, veggies, and sauces for various Asian-inspired dishes.
Tonight I made chicken stir fry with some of our various veggies: cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, and yellow onions, and some teriyaki sauce and soy sauce, with a little sherry, which I used to deglaze the pan. I thin-cut the chicken on a slight angle, too...I like the texture of the chicken better this way.
Check out my old-school rice cooker! This is a hand-me-down from my parents from when they upgraded theirs to a new, nicer model. The one they have now keeps their rice warm (which is pretty key for my mom since she's Asian and eats rice every day...seriously). This older model doesn't keep the rice warm, but it gets the job done.
I debated making brown rice or white rice, but I have to be in the right mood for one of the other. Tonight, I was craving plain-old white rice. I figured I had some whole grains with breakfast today, at least.
Hubby accidentally threw out our old soy sauce bottle not knowing that I bought a huge container that I was going to decant into the smaller one, so I had to pour a little soy sauce on the side and drizzle it onto my food from the little plate.
I had some water with my meal.
I was just about to start eating when I realized something was missing - sesame seeds!
Dinner was so good, I went back for a little more.
8:45 pm - Multi-Dessert - Full (7)
I decided to have an array of sweets for dessert:
A pear...
...some chocolate soy milk...
...and a single piece of Godiva chocolate...I think this is the one with the caramel center...yum!
I ate the pear while working on this post and the Godiva and chocolate soy milk are calling my name right now...I'm off to enjoy!
Rice cooker!
I love the one I have right now because I could pretty much do everything.. I actually use it to steam Kabocha and never really use it to make rice.. haha it's ironic ;]
liking sushi! now im craving for some
Posted by: junghwa | February 18, 2009 at 10:01 PM
Why is it called Elvis oats? Does it make you feel like dancing? :) Your dessert combo is so nicely presented! It makes me want a pear.
Posted by: Amy | February 18, 2009 at 10:13 PM
Gosh you have done so well today! I had a horrible boring job to do at work today and had to stay late, so ended up having a chocolate bar to keep my energy up. I need to make some of those little bars to stop me giving in to the chocolate monster!
Posted by: Janice | February 19, 2009 at 03:55 PM
Ha! Trouble is, if I take any kind of food into work I eat it whether I'm hungry or not!
Posted by: Janice | February 19, 2009 at 04:21 PM