Finding the chic in everyday life

I love eating, cooking, crafting, zumbaing, ice skating, and lots of other randomness.

First generation organic.

Since December 2008, I've lost 15 lbs and I hope to continue my healthy habits of nutritious eating + frequent, fun exercising.

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« Turkey Dinner - The Gift That Keeps on Giving | Main | It's a Beautiful Fall Day »

November 06, 2008


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Oh She Glows

Love your blog!!
Your dog is out of this world adorable!


What a nice, thought-provoking post. I feel the same way too. Christmas IS suddenly looming, but I really want to enjoy the process this year. Hopefully it won't be needed, but if I have to want to give in-progress gifts so that I don't have to rush through the making of them. There's always January for tying up loose ends!


The square is very pretty... I too love to crochet and love Real Simple... thanks for reminding me of the gratitude article... that was a good one...

Diana Geffner-Ventura

Was just doing a general self- maintenance check on line and came across your comments regarding the RS Gratitude issue. So glad it struck a chord with you...Working on getting my blog together now (aren't we all...) and hope to share some more to inspire us all - if not myself alone! Keep up the quest!
- Diana Geffner-Ventura


So I just purchased the same crocheting book and am trying the same willow pattern- I can't get the middle part (the foundation ring + first few rows) to lay flat! I think it might have something to do with the size of my crochet hook...what size do you use? Any tips? I love that pattern!

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